Since the very early days of COVID-19 outbreak in Belgium, DNAlytics has been working with academic experts and public authorities towards objective, data-driven public health policies. This second set of realizations outlines initiatives supporting the tracking of individuals carrying the virus.
Corona Compass Mobile App

When the very first Belgian cases were reported back in March ’20, DNAlytics and researchers from KULeuven, with the support from Dutch mobile app developers, designed and developed a fully-functional mobile application for evaluating the risk of being exposed to the virus. The app was intended to calculate individual risk of exposure and also to detect contagion hotspots : a fully operational prototype, compatible with iOS and Android devices, was already up and running by May 2020.
Later on, the European and domestic authorities have expressed their preference for different communication protocols and technologies, preventing the this app to become the national reference. Nevertheless, this technology is still being used in the framework of academic research initiatives.
"I was very impressed with the quality and timeliness of DNAlytics work. In addition to their strong expertise, their culture of open and collaborative communication led to an effective and enjoyable working relationship."
Joren Raymenants, MD
KULeuven, Laboratory of Clinical Bacteriology and Mycology
Contact tracing

DNAlytics CEO Thibault Helleputte has also been involved in the inter-federal taskforce advising the crisis management team on the modalities towards a safe exit from the lockdown, as an expert for data- and IT-related matters. He actively contributed to the elaboration of the workflow for the contact investigation strategy and implementation.
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