Support to crisis management group

We support the Covid19 Crisis Management Group from Belgian authorities : we analyse the hospital capacities, such as the occupancy and availability of beds and respiratory assistance units, based on the figures communicated by the hospitals to the public health authorities on a daily basis, confronted to evolution of cases per hospital. Those representations include geographic distributions over Belgian territory as well as projections over time : they constitute critical information to the authorities for elaborating their crisis management strategies. The processing of hospital capacity information is not considered as suitable for public disclosure and is therefore hosted on a platform with controlled access, restricted to the scientific experts and the crisis management group. This work is an extension of a scientific cooperation that started with researchers from UZLeuven and UCLouvain, complemented with IT skills from SAVICS organization.

What can we share?

Based on limited open data communicated daily by Sciensano (Belgian Institute for Health) combined with population census data (open data as well), DNAlytics proposes a public outbreak overview map. The map reports the contamination rate to COVID19 –percentage of positive cases over the population– down to the municipality level.

Such information is essential for identifying the epidemy hotspots. In addition, it helps the population getting a better perception of the epidemics at their own location, thereby encouraging them to follow more accurately the recommendations from public authorities.

We propose a second view, showing the growth rate per municipality over the last three days.


Interested ?

These maps are updated on a regular basis. You can obtain them for integration in your own media: just contact us.